Nursing & Allied Health Professions Center

Construction of a Nursing-Allied Health Professions Center Building Located on it Ontario OR Campus.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 12/4/24 2:00pm
Bid Date 1/7/25 1:30pm

Company & Contacts

Treasure Valley Community College
Bernie Babcock  


Ontario, OR

Description of Project

Treasure Valley Community College (TVCC) is seeking to contract with a general contractor for

the construction of a Nursing-Allied Health Professions Center Building located on its Ontario

Campus next to and South of the Laura Moore Cunningham Science Center.

The new facility will house classrooms for up to 48 first- and second-year nursing students,

interactive lab spaces for up to 48 first and second year lab students, office suite for nursing

instructors, nursing student study, library, lounge area and instructional support spaces,

classroom and program space for 24 certified nursing assistant students, classroom and program

space for emergency medical technicians. In addition, the new facility space could be allocated

to a student health center, health information systems, certified medical assistant program,

physical therapy program, occupational therapy program, x-ray technician program, phlebotomy

program, and surgery technician program. General space needed includes building support

services, tiered lecture, computer labs, general purpose classrooms, student lounge and study

areas, office suite for program instructors, office space for adjunct faculty.

The College’s and Architect’s estimate of construction cost: $10.2 million.